Title: Control, Release and Everything After
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Wesley and Faith get a bit physical after she fights Angelus in Release
Season: AtS Season 4
Title: The Edge
Rating: NC-17
Summary: One of Wes's kinks is revealed...
Season: AtS Season 4
Title: Help
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Wesley helps Faith so Faith can help Wesley
Season: AtS Season 4
Title: Make It Difficult
Rating: R
Summary: It's been so long that even Wesley will do
Season: AtS Season 4
Title: Practice Makes Perfect
Rating: R
Title: Even when they fail, Faith and Wes keep trying
Season: AtS Season 5
Title: To Be In Control
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Faith is back and she wants to solve certain issues with Wes. But he's busy at the moment.
Season: AtS Season 4
Title: Turn Around
Rating: R
Summary: Faith was on her way to LA but she had to turn around.
Season: AtS Season 4