Unknown Timeframe
Title: Black Wonderbra vs. Designer Stubble
Author: DucthBuffy2305
Rating: R
Summary: Wesley and Faith meet at Angel’s funeral
Season: Timeframe Unknown
Title: Hey Jude
Author: FerretGirl
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Faith, Wesley, they fight, they love. Prequel to "Hidden Secrets"
Season: Sometime prior to AtS season 4
Title: The Set You Free Series
Author: Hold That Thought
Rating: NC-17
Lovely Way to Burn | Not An Addict | Beads | All Hands on Deck | Keep Me Up
Summary: Making the best of awkward situations can lead to interesting places.
Season: Timeframe Unknown
Title: You're So Wrong For Me
Author: Jane Davitt
Rating: R
Summary: The Watcher, the Vampire and the Slayer...is this really such a good idea?
Season: Timeframe Unknown