Title: Body Parts
Author: hold_that_thought
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers/Setting: Up to the Angel Season 4 ep "Calvary"
Vague BDSM themes.
Disclaimer :
The characters used within are the property of Mutant Enemy, Twentieth Century Fox, and of course Joss Whedon. It's their sandbox, I'm just playing in it.
Lilah/Wesley, Lilah/Wesley/Faith
Summary : The past comes back to bite Wesley and Lilah in the ass. Among other places. (Sequel to "Body Work")
Notes: Thanks to little_bit for the beta! Though it's not strictly necessary to read Body Count and Body Work before this story, it might help, as there's internal continuety. But if you just wanna skip to this one, previously: Angelus killed Cordelia and Lilah while they were in the hotel with him. Lilah, he sired. She in turn sired Wesley, she and Angelus sedated and tied up Fred and Gunn, and then Lilah staked Angelus. Wesley killed Fred and Gunn, then together, he and Lilah seduced and killed Faith. They were last seen in Santa Fe, having just worked out some trust issues via bondage (naturally), and were heading towards Oklahoma to get some cash and other assets from Lindsey. And now.... (Completed 12/23/03)
Archive : More than likely okay, but please ask first
Feedback :
Greatly appreciated (APostModernSleaz@aol.com)


Body Parts

It hadn't rained fire in a few weeks. Lilah took that as a good sign. Working for Wolfram and Hart, she'd become used to the idea of an apocalypse, but it had been infinitely more appealing when she'd had a stake in it. A couple days ago, she'd actually asked Wesley if he wanted to head to Sunnydale. Try and help the White Hats put the Beast to rest, even if it meant bringing the sun back. Hell, Lilah liked chaos as much as anyone, but she was having too much fun on Earth to see it end so soon.

Besides, now that her soul was fully out of her possession and in the Senior Partners' incorporeal hands, Lilah was free. And she liked that feeling. Not to mention, the sooner she died, the sooner she went back to work for Wolfram and Hart anyway, what with the post-mortem perpetuity clause and everything. So yeah, she wouldn't mind giving a hand to the world-saving kiddies.

But Wesley had just smiled and thrown her on the bed, fucked her until she screamed. Stopping the Beast was never mentioned again. Such an apocalyptic streak in him, it was hard to believe he'd really never taken up the offer to join Wolfram and Hart.

So they'd ended up in New York. Or what was left of it, anyway.

The place was in a panic. Wesley gloated over how quickly Americans had fallen apart. Personally, Lilah didn't think London would fair much better, but they'd have to wait at least two more weeks to find out. In the meantime, they picked their way through the looted stores. All electronics and cash were long-gone, but Bloomingdale's had a surprising amount of unscathed clothing left, including the black silk dress she was currently wearing. It clung to her curves like it was made for her, and the slim silver chain she'd looped around her waist sparkled in the moonlight that flooded the hotel room. Lilah still liked pretty things -- that was never going to change.

The sight of Central Park aflame with assorted bonfires and pyres was starting to bore her, so she turned away from the window and walked over to the minibar to pour herself some more scotch. It was lucky the vampire organization who'd seized control of The Plaza hadn't heard about Wolfram and Hart's destruction, or she wouldn't have been able to swing the Ambassador Suite gratis by flashing the employee ID she'd swiped from Lindsey.

She sensed him moving towards the room before she heard him, a heavy fall of boots interspersed with a rhythmless snapping of fingers. Feeding always put Wesley in a good mood. Made him warm, too, for a short period before the blood cooled again in his veins. Truth be told, Lilah missed Wesley's body being warm. Even at the start of their relationship-or-something-like-it, when he was pounding into her and the cold inside of him was almost enough to burn them both, his skin had always been warm. It was a nice feeling, sexy and safe and long gone, thanks to her.

The footsteps stopped outside the door. After a minute, it was clear he wasn't coming in anytime soon. When she pulled the door open, Lilah found Wesley leaning against the wall opposite, hands in his pockets with a smug grin on his face.

"What? Did you find a real, live nun?"

He'd unsurprisingly inherited Angelus's fascination with corrupting the divine. Unfortunately, so had half the newly-sired vamps who were slowly overtaking America, making living members of the clergy an increasingly rare delicacy.

"Oh, no, much better."

She arched an eyebrow. "Oh?"

"I ran into an old friend of yours outside."

Old friend? Lilah was at a loss. Nearly everyone she'd known in Los Angeles was dead. Even if Lorne and Connor had escaped to New York and Wesley had been insane enough to bring them to the hotel, he would never refer to them as friends. Maybe that hot little electro girl who'd made a few illegal acquisitions for the firm?

"Miss Morgan!"

Oh, Christ. "Gwen," Lilah said, smiling tightly.

"I located Mr. Wyndam-Pryce. I assumed you were still with him."

Wesley chuckled. "You weren't kidding when you said everyone at the firm knew about us."

Gwen nodded. "I'm--"

"Files and Records. It's your job," Lilah finished. "I thought Lava Boy cleared everyone else out."

"I'm Files and Records. Wolfram and Hart had several contingency plans for my survival." She brushed past Lilah into the hotel room, Wesley following behind with an amused grin.

Lilah closed the door behind them and looked mournfully at her empty glass. She'd refill it, but there probably wasn't enough scotch in the world to deal with whatever was going to come next. "What are you doing here, Gwen?"

The woman, for lack of a better term, sat down on the edge of the rumpled bed and gave Lilah Wolfram and Hart's standard-issue Disarming Smile. "The Senior Partners want you to come back and help rebuild the Los Angeles Branch."

Definitely not enough scotch in the world. "And why would I do that?"

"Because you're the highest ranking employee still alive." Gwen cocked her head. "In a manner of speaking."

"No, that's the reason they want me. What's the reason I would agree to come back?"

"They're prepared to offer you a substantial salary."

Lilah fingered the diamonds draped around her waist and smiled. "Do I look like I'm hurting for money?"

"Running Wolfram and Hart would put you in a position of great power," Wesley said.

Lilah raised an eyebrow. "Since when do you care about power?"

"Since when do you not?"

"It is an excellent opportunity, Miss Morgan," Gwen said.

"Isn't this all rather moot? I mean, last I checked there was still an apocalypse going on, and an unstoppable demon who gets his thrills and chills ripping Wolfram and Hart employees into bite-size pieces. What makes you think he'll just stand by and let you rebuild what he so carefully took apart?"

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. The Senior Partners have...." As Gwen's eyes began flickering, Lilah couldn't help but cast a sidelong glance at Wesley to take in his surprised blinking. He caught her eye and mouthed, Not human. No shit, Lilah mouthed back, just before the rattling stop and Gwen continued. "...seven separate stratagems in place for dispatching the Beast, with an estimated possibility of success mean of eighty-eight-point-three percent." Her eyes returned to normal, and she smiled. "I'm not worried."

"Of course you're not. The Beast never touched you. My lower intestine, on the other hand, got up close and personal with him the last time we met, so forgive me if I'm not keen on putting myself in the line of fire again." Lilah walked back to the minibar and grabbed a bottle of vodka. She then walked over to Gwen, pressed it into her hand, and said, "I don't know if you drink, but judging from all the noise outside, you may want to start. Sorry you had to come all this way for nothing, but you're going to have to tell the Senior Partners that Lilah Morgan respectfully declines their offer."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Miss Morgan."

Lilah rolled her eyes. "Enough with the Miss Morgan already. Lilah, okay?"

Gwen nodded. "Lilah. The Partners anticipated your initial reluctance and asked me to give you this." From her pocket, she withdrew an oblong, wooden box and handed it to Lilah. "Most of the telephone systems in America are down, but these are based in Japan, and infused with magic."

"Cellphones. Why five of them?" Lilah asked.

Gwen shrugged. "Magic is unreliable. I've already taken the liberty of programming my number into all of them. They said you have two weeks to reconsider. Call me if you do." She rose and headed towards the door, giving Lilah and Wesley a quick smile before letting herself out.

Lilah shook her head and flopped onto the bed. "Well. Wasn't that a kick in the teeth."

"I think you should consider it," Wesley said, crawling on to the bed next to her and resting his hand on her thigh. "It's an interesting opportunity."

"To do what? Boss people around a wreak havoc? We can do that without joining Wolfram and Hart. This town is crawling with thick-headed vampires who'd love nothing better than to bow and scrape their minion asses off for us."

"Just think about it."

Lilah shivered at the feel of Wesley's lips against her neck, the roughness of his cheek scraping her skin. She rolled over and threw her leg over him, straddling his hips. "I'll think about it. But not tonight. Tonight," she smiled, "I wanna paint the town red. You in?"


You could take away most of a town's power and food supply, not to mention the sun, but as long as there was booze, people would congregate. The five or six clubs still operating all claimed to have a different corner on the market -- fetish, goth, dance, upscale -- but they were all the same: filled with desperate, manic people looking to forget the impending apocalypse for as long as possible. With most businesses shut down and constant night making time irrelevant, the parties went pretty much around-the-clock, which meant the warehouse was already filled with smoke and thrashing bodies when Wesley and Lilah pushed their way in at seven p.m.

"Good mix," Lilah said.

"Best in a while," Wesley agreed.

The dance floor was crawling with vampires, some newly turned and some older ones taking advantage of the chaos. But there were quite a few humans in the crowd. More than had been turning out as of late. Wesley could hear the blood whooshing through their veins, even over the screeching music that pulsed through the building. So much warmth within reach, human need and greed that he could take if he wanted...for Wesley, it was almost as erotic as the black leather corset and miniskirt Lilah had poured herself into for their outing.

Before they'd left, Wesley had asked if perhaps her ensemble wasn't too cliché, even for a quasi-fetish dance club. She'd smirked and said that when being in Rome meant wearing something she was guaranteed to look better in than anyone else in the vicinity, it was insane to not partake.

He wasn't about to complain once she modeled the outfit for him.

As he watched her thread through the crowd towards the raised platform that housed a makeshift bar, Wesley glanced around the room. Though most enemies he'd accrued as a demon hunter were delighted to see any good guy fall to their ranks, there were always a few who held onto their grudges quite dearly, so it never hurt to be aware of his surroundings.

When he joined Lilah on the platform, she handed him a vodka and said, "What about the blonde in the blue dress?"

Wesley peered into the sea of bodies for a moment, then shook his head. "Rather skinny, don't you think?"

"I thought that's how you liked them," she teased, giving him a soft grin that held none of the concealed cynicism it might have a few months earlier.

Wesley smiled and brushed his lips against her cheek, then turned back to the dance floor. He pointed to a hyperactive young Japanese boy wearing a tattered polo shirt and ripped jeans. "What about him?"

"Are you serious?"

"Why not?"

"Look at the way he's moving. Nobody dances like that without the aid of several types of drugs in their system. Drugs I'm not sure I want in my system if it could lead to moving like that in public."

"Well, fine, you pick then."

Lilah leaned against the railing, scanning the dance floor. Finally, she pointed and said, "I'm not sure she's human, but what about the brunette in the red halter top?"

Wesley followed Lilah's outstretched arm to the whirling dervish of a girl who seemed to own the patch of floor just under them. He watched as she dipped and bobbed and spun around her dance partners in a frenzy, hair fanning out and obscuring her face from his vision.

"She certainly is something. Definitely not human." As she waved her arms in the air and threw her head back, Wesley said, "Is it me or does that girl look remarkably like--"

Then she turned around, caught his eye, and yelled, "Wesley!"

His entire body stiffened as Faith pushed past her companions and started to make her way to the stairs. The possible explanations for what he hoped was a hallucination due to a spiked drink raced through his mind as she got closer, looking absolutely predatory as she bobbed her head to the music and kept her eyes glued to him.

Finally, he snapped out of it enough to grab Lilah by the hand. "We should probably get out of here."

"Why?" Lilah said. "Looks like the fun's just starting."

"I don't know how much fun it will be when she kills us."

Then Faith was in front of them. Oddly, she was smiling warmly and reaching out to pull Lilah into the most awkward hug known to man. Which was better, Wesley supposed, than wanting to kill them, considering there was no time left to run away.

"Faith," he said, doing his best to keep his voice steady. "We thought you were--"

"Dead? Wonder what woulda made you think that." She smirked and smoothed her hair -- which had picked up several large streaks of vibrant red along the way -- behind her ears. "Couldn't be that whole killing me thing, right?"

"Sorry?" Lilah said, wholly unconvincingly.

Faith shrugged. "Forget it."

"You're not...angry?" Wesley discreetly looked around for a weapon of some kind, just in case.

"Nah. Thought I would be. Kinda was at first. But fuck, man, way I hear it, chances are I woulda gotten it anyway." She grinned. "At least you guys made sure my trip out was...memorable."

"I'll say," Lilah grinned back. She raised her glass and knocked it against Faith's.

Wesley shook his head. "This does, I suppose, beg the question--"

"Why I'm not still dead?"


"Beats the fuck out of me. All I know is I woke up like this," she slid in and out of her game face, "in the hotel. You guys were gone, and some green demon in bad polyester said everyone in Angel's crew was MIA."

"So someone sired you?"

"Looks like."

Of course.

Wesley was not exactly surprised when he turned his head and saw the faintest smile playing over Lilah's lips. When she caught him watching her, she had the sense to look slightly abashed.

"I was going to tell you."


Lilah smiled. "About ten minutes from now. Honest."

"No, I mean, when did you...do this."

"Oh, it only took a second. You went downstairs to get something, I went over to the body, and...." Lilah made the motion of cutting her palm and letting the blood drip into her mouth.

Faith wrinkled her nose. "That's pretty gross, Li."

"Beats staying dead, right?"

"True," Faith agreed.

As they clinked glasses again, giving each other goofy grins and resembling rather psychotic sorority sisters, Wesley was had the overwhelming urge to pinch the bridge of his nose and sigh. Rupert Giles would have been proud.

"Lilah, you turned Faith without bothering to tell me."

"I also turned Lindsey without bothering to tell you."

"You did no such thing." She raised an eyebrow. "Of course you did. Wonderful. You're completely insane, you know."

"You're just figuring that out now?" Faith laughed.

Lilah kissed him on the cheek. "It's part of my charm."

Wesley sighed and turned to Faith. "Well. How have you been?"

"Not bad. This whole creature of the night thing is a pretty sweet deal, considering there's nothing but night now."

"Word has it my old bosses are working tirelessly to correct that as we speak," Lilah said.

"Yeah, well, even if they do, I kinda like being at the top of the food chain, you know? Hunting beats patrolling hands down."

"You really miss mirrors though," Lilah said.

Faith's eyes widened and she nodded emphatically. "Right? I had to get someone else to put these streaks in for me." She pointed to the red in her hair. "It's crazy, I can snap a neck in about two seconds but I can't dye my own hair."

"And the eyeliner!"

"Took me a whole week to figure it out."

It was just like being with Cordelia, back when shoes were still her passion. No, worse. It was like two Cordelias, both of whom he'd slept with. Desperate to make the pain stop, he blurted out, "How did you get to New York?"

"Hitchhiked with a bunch of guys in a van. L.A. was boring, all fires and little vamped kids running around. Figured that's why you guys took off. I would have stuck around if I thought I could find Angel. You know, get Angelus back to play with. But no one'd heard from him, Cordelia, or any of the other Mouseketeers in a week."

"Yes, that would be because Lilah killed them all."

"Get out," Faith said.

Lilah turned to Wesley and crossed her arms. "Uh, only Angelus and, well, you. I seem to remember you taking out Shaft and Pollyanna all by your lonesome."

Faith whistled and shook her head. "Check out Bonnie and Clyde, the next generation. Tell me you left some of the old gang for me to play with?"

"We didn't go to Sunnydale," Wesley said.

Faith grinned and said, "I call dibs on Buffy."

Lilah slid an arm around Wesley's waist and beamed. "Ooh, I like her. See, aren't you glad I kept her from going gently into that good night?"

In response, Wesley traced the curve of Lilah's neck with his tongue and smiled. "You occasionally have good ideas. But do try to warn me before you turn any other people from our old life. I don't fancy running into a Connor who's even more angry and powerful than before."

Lilah shuddered. "Him? Don't worry."

"Who's Connor?"

"Angel's son," Wesley said.


"Long story," Lilah said.

Faith nodded. "I'll bet. Man, this crappy music is making my head pound." She knocked back the rest of her drink, wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, and said, "You know, since you guys killed me and all, I figure the least you can do is let me crash with you tonight."

Wesley looked from Faith, who was grinning like a kitten with malicious intents, to Lilah, who simply smirked. He couldn't begin to count the ways this could end badly.


In the hotel lobby, Lilah paused at the concierge desk, clicking her fingernails against the scuffed marble top. A large vampire with a mullet and ripped Van Halen tee-shirt finally ambled over.


"Lilah Morgan, the Ambassador Suite, I'd like to order room service."

The vampire scratched his chin and yawned. "Yeah, sure. Got anything particular in mind?"

Lilah looked at Faith and Wesley, who said, "I wouldn't mind Indian. We haven't had that in a while."

"Faith, what about you? Chinese?"

"Blonde," she said. "Girl." At Wesley's look, she shrugged and said, "What? It's a thing."

"So, two Indians and a blonde girl," Lilah said.

"Sure, sure, that'll be two-fifty. They'll be there in, like, an hour."

"That's fine."

As they walked over to the elevators, Faith said, "Wow, you guys have electricity."

"Courtesy of the wizards staying on the fifth floor," Wesley said.

"That's insane."

"That's commercialism," Lilah said.

Once they got the hotel room door open, Faith pushed past them and shrugged off her leather jacket. "Holy shit. Who'd you have to kill to swing this place?"

Lilah closed the door behind her and said, "Lindsey McDonald. Sorry the place is such a mess. We've been too busy to clean."

"So I see," Faith said, picking the leather riding crop up off the floor and twirling it around with a smirk.

"You handle that like a pro," Wesley drawled.

"Yeah, well, I probably don't have as much practice as you two, but I'm told I hold my own." She closed her eyes and slowly ran the leather across her cheek.

At the same time, Lilah ran her hand over the bulge in Wesley's pants, giving it a small squeeze. It hardened underneath her touch and she grinned. She didn't have to ask if he was thinking the same thing as her, because he caught her eye and the look said everything. They really needed to give Faith another spin.

Lilah untied her corset, letting it drop to the ground before wrapping her arms around Wesley's neck and pulling him in for a kiss. The noise he made when she rubbed her thigh against his groin was satisfying, and she nudged his hands into motion, moaning herself as they settled on her breasts.

Backing her into the wall, Wesley pinned her arms above her head and continued to grind their bodies together. A small whimper finally broke Lilah's attention, and she pulled her mouth away from Wesley's to look at Faith. The girl was biting her bottom lip, riding crop hanging loose in one hand as the other cupped a breast, massaging and tweaking her nipple over the fabric of her top.

"Wanna play?" Lilah whispered, raising an eyebrow.

The glazed look in Faith's eyes disappeared, replaced with something glittering and hard. In a flash, she was behind Wesley, hands around his neck. She threw him onto the bed. Before he had a chance to recover, Faith was already straddling him.

"Yeah, I'll play, but I think you'll understand why I wanna be on top this time."

She tore his shirt in half and tossed it aside, then raised the crop high above her head and brought it down on his chest with a smack. Wesley choked back a startled yelp that was almost drowned out by the subsequent cracking of leather against skin. By the time Lilah got over to the bed, there were five straight, vibrant red lines crisscrossing Wesley's chest.

Lilah grabbed Faith by the hair and yanked her backwards, sending them both tumbling to the floor. She slapped the younger woman across the face. The impact made Lilah's palm sting like hell, but Faith just laughed and brought her fingertips up to the red splotch that was spreading across her jaw.

"What's the matter, Li? You asked me if I wanted to play."

"You think that's playing Faith?" Lilah shook her head and casually ripped Faith's halter top in half, tossing it over her shoulder.

"Hey! I liked that shirt!"

Lilah ignored her, and instead snaked a hand underneath Faith's pants. "Still doing the no underwear thing, huh?"

Faith smirked, then gasped as Lilah drove two, three, four fingers into her, digging her nails into soft flesh and gently brushing against her clit with her thumb. Pleasure and pain. As Faith gave a strangled moan, Lilah continued to rub, occasionally bending down to flit her tongue across her nipples. Faith threw her head back, leaving her neck exposed, and Lilah was happy to see the two sets of scars she and Wesley had given her were still there. Faded, but there.

When Faith started to squirm, getting close to orgasm, Lilah abruptly pulled her hand out, pushed herself to her feet, and looked down at her. "That is playing." Walking back to the bed, she placed a hand on Wesley's still-red chest and pushed him backwards, climbing on top. "Now, I'm gonna fuck my boyfriend, and you're gonna watch."

"Fuck you," Faith spat, standing and hurriedly tugging her pants up.

"Only if you're a good little voyeur. You're gonna watch, and you're gonna touch yourself. But you so much as pre-orgasm and I will dust you here and now."

"What the fuck makes you think I'm gonna play your whacked-out little game?"

"Because," Wesley said, giving her a lazy grin, "you never could say no to a good fuck, Faith, and you know this will be the best fuck you're gonna have for a long time."

Faith rolled her eyes. "Yeah, you two are just that good."

Lilah unzipped Wesley's pants and pulled him free, pushing her skirt past her hips and settling herself around him. "Consider this an object lesson."

The riding crop was still on the bed, so she picked it up and ran it down his cheek. Then, she gently tapped the scar across his throat and pushed herself up and down, matching the rhythm of her tapping. When they were first together, Wesley was oddly and maybe understandably sensitive about the ragged cut that adorned his throat. But Lilah liked it. After all, they wouldn't even be here without it. So, over time, she'd reconditioned him, made his brain connect the scar with getting fucked into oblivion.

Now, as the leather flicked against the skin, he moaned and grabbed her ass, pulling her onto him as hard as he could. Wesley suddenly got the hungry look in his eyes that he always did when he was inside her. He pushed the crop away and propped himself up. Placing his mouth against the curve of her breast, he bit down hard enough to break the skin.

The entire world narrowed to two points. The two places Wesley had entered her, pushed under her skin, tried to devour her whole. Her skin was buzzing with sensation, and everything slowed down until it was just the two of them, pulsating together.

Except it wasn't just the two of them, Lilah suddenly remembered. As the buzzing faded, suddenly a dull background noise to Wesley's grunting as he pushed into her, Lilah risked a glance at Faith and was thrilled to see the little protégé staring transfixed at them. Her hand moved in lazy circles over the crotch of her leather pants, and her bottom lip was bruised and swollen from the desperate gnawing she'd been doing in an attempt to stay in control of her own body. It inspired Lilah to pull Wesley off her breast by his hair and crush their mouths together. The taste of her own blood, borrowed though it may be, swept across her tongue and tickled the back of her throat.

Lilah pinned Wesley's hands above his head and bit into his shoulder. As the rich and salty blood flooded her senses, she pushed her hips into Wesley's. All it took to set him off was reaching down to squeeze his balls.

With a string of expletives, he came inside her, then slumped back into the bed. Lilah fell against him, and as he ran his fingers through her hair, she turned to Faith.

"See what good little girls get?"

Faith nodded, the glazed look returning to her eyes. Lilah rolled off Wesley and stretched, giving a small yawn. Then she crooked a finger towards Faith.

Faith stopped rubbing herself and gave her a grin that was equal parts mischievous and malicious. "Sure you're not gonna yank on my hair again if I climb on top of you?"

"Nope. Not the hair on your head, at least."

"Ooh, kinky," Faith grinned, pulling off her pants and throwing herself down next to Lilah. "Guess you want me to be all gentle and junk?"

"Right. I'm a delicate little flower." Lilah rolled her eyes. "No, I just like people playing by my rules."

"Oh yeah? This in your rules?" Faith scratched her nails across Lilah's stomach, leaving behind four red marks. Lilah enjoyed it more than she was willing to admit. Faith looked ready to aim another assault with her nails, but instead she placed her hand on Lilah's thigh. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, the hand crept up, finally skimming over her soft curls. Lilah arched her back slightly, moaning in spite of herself.

Wesley had recovered enough to push himself up and nip at Lilah's jaw. He dragged his tongue across her skin, down to her collar bone. When he pinched one of her nipples, rolling it between his fingers, she really started to warm up, and was vocal in letting him know.

That appeared to piss Faith off, because she skipped the gentle and immediately swooped down to assault Lilah's already-aching groin with her tongue and teeth. Seemingly determined to get Lilah off faster and better than anyone else, Faith plunged her tongue all the way in with a grunt, the blunt of her teeth scraping against Lilah's clit and sending sparks shooting out to every nerve in her body.

After almost a year together, Wesley knew her body as well as she did. Getting choked wasn't as big a turn-on since becoming a vampire, breathing not an issue and all, but anything having to do with her neck still drove Lilah nuts. Wesley knew that as he gently ran his fingertips up and down her skin, jawline to shoulders. A slow and methodical counterpoint to Faith's frenzied actions below. The buzz came back, building inside her and escaping out as a moan while her feet kicked and dug into the sheets, desperate for traction.

Out of reflex, Lilah grabbed at the head that was bobbing between her legs. Faith didn't break rhythm at all when she viciously slapped Lilah's hands away and peered up at her with an unreadable expression. The expression became a lot less unreadable a second later, as Faith simultaneously bit down on the soft flesh right next to Lilah's clit and reached up to gently cup her breasts. She got it, knew that Faith had finally gotten it: pleasure and pain.

Lilah didn't mean to start thrashing, really, but before she knew what was happening, her shoulder had connected with Wesley's jaw.

With a grimace, he sat back and said, "I think I'll let the pro take over from here."

"I can hear you," came Faith's muffled reply as she gave Wesley the middle finger.

"Unh, keep talking, that feels good," Lilah said.

"Fuck you," Faith said, grabbing Lilah's hips possessively and driving herself further inside. "Fuck you two, up here in fucking the motherfucking Plaza, with your stupid corporate life and--"

She was cut off by Lilah grabbing the headboard, wrapping her legs around Faith's neck, and screaming so loud her throat hurt. When every single muscle in Lilah's body finally stopped twitching, she let go of the headboard and bonelessly dropped backwards.

After a few moments, she risked opening her eyes and was met with Faith giving her the biggest shit-eating grin in the history of mankind. Without a word, she climbed off the bed and pulled her pants on. Then she went to the closet and grabbed a blue tank top of Lilah's. Pulling it over her head, she started for the door.

"Don't you want your turn?" Lilah said.

Faith turned around, still grinning. "Nah. Your object lesson worked like a charm. I learned I like fucking with people even more than getting fucked."

Lilah rolled over and snuggled into Wesley's arms, pulling the covers over them. With a happy sigh, she said, "They learn so fast."


"Always was a quick study," Faith said.

Lilah sat up. "Hey, before you go, there's a box on the table. Open it up?"

She crossed the room and pulled the lid off the wooden box. "Cellphones."

"Take one. Call us if you need to."

"Why would I need to call you?"

"Things happen. You might get into trouble."

"I can take care of myself, thanks." She slipped the cellphone into her pocket anyway, then walked towards the door. "Try not to have too much fun without me," Faith said, winking and closing the door behind her.

Lilah settled back into Wesley's arms and said, "You know what?"

"What?" Wesley said, yawning.

"I think I'll take Wolfram and Hart's offer after all."

He looked at her, surprised. "Really?"

"Yeah. It turns out I like bossing people around."

"Startling revelation," Wesley smirked.

Lilah chuckled. "I know, I'm kidding. But seriously, I will take it. After all, Beast aside, Wolfram and Hart is the winning team, and I wanna be on it. Besides," she reached down and unzipped her skirt, pushing it off and kicking it to the floor, "they have my contract with the perpetuity clause, all ready to put me to work as soon as I get dusted. Better to rule in hell than...serve in hell."

He brushed his lips against her temple and smiled. "Just think of all the damage we can cause with that much power behind us."

"Mmm." Running her hand across her stomach, she laid her head against his chest and smiled. "You always know just what to say to turn a girl on."

The End