Title: Practice Makes Perfect
Author: AngelChase
Rating: R
Spoilers/Setting: AtS season 5
Summary: Even when they fail, Faith and Wes keep trying. Valentine's Day story.
Notes: Written for appomattoxco as part of the Valentine's Day Ficathon at Live Journal.


Practice Makes Perfect

Valentine's Day, 2004: Faith's Return

Wesley was sitting in his office when Harmony's scream startled him. He closed the ancient book and carefully placed it in the safe box before leaving to see what was going on. He never left the important works at hand anymore. Experience was something he was grateful for.

"Slayer!" Harmony shouted. "Bossy, run for your life!" the blonde's high pitched voice sounded in the hall way and soon Wesley saw her running his way. Harmony hid behind him, sobbing like a scared little girl.

"Harmony, calm down," he said as he tried to release his shoulders off her tight grip. "What's going on?" he asked, but the blonde vampire was in a state of shock. She did let go of his shoulders, but only to wrap her arms around his neck.

"Wow. You really like 'em evil, don’t ya?" Faith walked over to him, keeping her distance. "You can tell your girlfriend I'm not gonna dust her. Angel filled me in already," the brunette laughed.

"You're not?" Harmony asked, letting Wesley breathe again but not leaving his side entirely, since there was a chance the slayer could be just trying to trick her.

Wesley tried to calm Harmony again. "It's ok. She's a friend," he added as he smiled at Faith. "It's nice seeing you again," he told the brunette.

"You too, despite the office and the staff," she said, glaring at Harmony just to amuse herself with the look of horror on the vampire's face.

"She's just teasing you, Harmony," Wesley walked away from the vampire before she could strangle him again. "Why don't you go back to work? I'll keep her away from you," he promised.

Harmony nodded and smiled at him. As she was making her way back to her desk, Faith pretended to chase after her just by taking a few steps in her direction, which made Harmony run as fast as she could. When Harmony looked back, Faith was standing next to Wesley on the other end of the hall and she was laughing loudly.

“Sweetheart,” Lorne greeted the slayer with cheerfulness. “It’s so good to see you again,” he said, hugging her tightly. “What brings you here on Valentine’s Day?” he asked winking an eye at her. “Is it perhaps the ever so masculine two-day-old beard of our former rogue demon hunter?” Lorne suggested, eyeing Wesley with amusement. The Englishman however, didn’t like Lorne’s idea of a joke and frowned.

“Who? Him?” Faith laughed along, smiling at Wesley, who wasn’t trying to hide his annoyance. “Valentine’s Day… No thanks,” Faith replied. “It’s just a coincidence,” she said.

“There are no such things as coincidences, honey buns. This is fate,” Lorne told her while he extracted a card out of his side pocket. “There’s a party tonight, hon. And you are invited. Luckily for Mr. Wyndham Pryce here, who still hasn’t a date.”

“Lorne, I’m not going,” Wesley glared at him. He had told him more than three times that week that he wasn’t planning on attending.

“So you don’t have a date because you didn’t even try to get one, right?” Faith asked, obviously implying that he was using his failure as an excuse not to attend the party. “What about your vampire girlfriend over there?” she asked, pointing at Harmony.

“Please, Faith,” Wesley begged, tired of being the target of the jokes. The only reason why he didn’t have a date was that the only person he would have asked to join him already had plans with Knox.

“Geez, Wes,” she replied, putting her hands up as a sign of peace. “Loosen up a little!”

“Exactly. Listen to the pretty lady. Loosen up. Come to the party. You really don’t want this hottie to show up without a date, do you?” he said, looking appreciatively at Faith and almost making her blush. Wesley looked at her, too. He could have sworn Faith was begging him to say yes.

“Alright,” he accepted in the end.

“Fantastico! You’ll make a great couple!” Lorne exclaimed. “See you two turtledoves there,” he added before turning on his heels and walking towards the Voodoo crafters sitting on the waiting room to hand them their invitations.

“Are you sure about this?” Faith asked Wesley, who didn’t seem very much excited about the party anyway.

“What choice do I have?” he replied nonchalantly. Faith looked down. Sure, she didn’t expect him to be bouncing with excitement, but he could try to seem less appalled by the so called date. She was about to make a remark about his rudeness, but she was interrupted by Harmony.

“Ok, Lorne said you’re coming to the party, so I assume you’re gonna need clothes because if everything you own looks like what you are wearing, you’re in trouble,” the blonde said, looking at Faith from head to toe.

“Or I could just stake you and wear your dust as a trophy,” Faith smiled mischievously.

“Nice try,” Harmony replied with confidence. “You’re not going to kill me. Angel told me,” she said. But then she looked at Wes for confirmation. “Right?”

Wesley rolled his eyes. “Right,” he said. “But don’t push your luck,” he advised Harmony. “I’m going to go back to work,” he announced.

“And we are going to spend some company cash,” Harmony bounced softly, heading towards the elevator, without taking the slayer’s glare seriously.

“Pick me up at eight, honey?” Faith teased Wes before he stepped inside his office. He nodded without looking at her and then disappeared behind the doorframe.

Faith took a deep breath, irritated by his lack of humor and good predisposition. Lorne couldn’t have been more wrong. There was no way in hell they’d make a great couple. Sure, she wasn’t all that excited about attending the party, but at least she knew how to seize the moment and have some fun. “Loosen up, Wes,” she muttered before joining Harmony by the lifts.

Later that evening…

“Wow!” Wesley exclaimed when she opened the door of the room Angel had set up for her. “You look…” he trailed off.

“Yes?” asked Faith nervously. She felt a bit uncomfortable in the outfit that Harmony had picked for her because it wasn’t her style, but admittedly, she thought she looked really cute in that strapless, creamy colored short dress.

“… feminine,” Wesley finished the compliment that came out wrong. He realized that the minute the words came out his mouth.

“Well, thank you I guess,” Faith replied, abruptly leaving the room and locking the door behind her. She didn’t give him a chance to rephrase his compliment and started walking along the hallway. Wesley wanted to stop her, but he could hear her muttering about how she should have worn leather trousers instead.

"Are you taking Angel's offer?" Wesley asked after starting the engine. He wasn't just trying to make small talk. Having Faith on the team was important to him. Faith shrugged, then shifted in the seat.

"I don't know, Wes. This is all too weird. Wolfram & Hart? They hired me to kill Angel, remember?" she said. "That place gives me the creeps."

"I know. You get used to it though," he told her. "Besides what we do…"

"You intend good. I know that. But I don't want to 'get used to it' you know?" she said, holding on to her standards, or at least trying to for as long as she could. "The offer's good, don't get me wrong. But I am buying my freedom at what cost?"

"We don't know that yet. It's a risk we all took," he was honest. None of them knew for certain that Wolfram & Hart was going to keep their end of the deal.

The hotel where the celebration was held was not far away and they got there in just a few minutes.

"In any case," Wes said as he entered the drive way, "we're in this together and we'll watch each other's backs," he added. Faith smiled at him and nodded. He was right about that. She wasn't going to be alone. Wes left the engine running for the valet to take over, while he moved to Faith's side and opened the door for her, hoping to make up for the wrong start.

As they entered the room, Faith couldn't help to notice that people were staring at them. She carefully checked down on her dress, wondering if one of her breasts was showing. No, everything was perfect. Wesley was looking perfect, too. The tux suited him perfectly, and it gave him a delicious 007 look, not that she went for that kind of thing.

"Honey, you look stunning," Lorne greeted them before they could make their way to the cocktail bar. "You too, Faith," he cracked at his own joke. "That dress has fulfilled its purpose in life," he added.

Faith smiled at him thankfully. "I think it makes me look… feminine," she said, stabbing Wesley where it hurt. Wesley nodded, knowing he deserved it.

"You do look beautiful," he whispered without looking at her. Her smile of satisfaction suddenly disappeared and it was replaced by a look of embarrassment for torturing Wesley. At least it was only words this time.

The rest of the evening was quite uneventful. They had a few drinks, but never danced. None of them seemed to be into it. Angel dropped by for a short while and he and Faith step out to the back garden to make some other arrangements after Faith agreed to stay in Los Angeles to work with them.

Wesley remained inside, standing by the bar, chatting occasionally with Lorne or Gunn. When Faith returned, she walked over to join him, but she noticed he was absently looking across the room. She soon realized that his attention was focused on Fred. Faith thought it was cute at first, but then she couldn't help to feel upset for not getting that kind of attention. She shook her head for thinking that and silently went back to stand next to Wes.

"How did it go?" he asked when he noticed she was back.

"Angel's gonna take care of things," she said. "So I guess I'm part of the team now," she shrugged and twisted her lips in a half smile.

"You already were part of the team," he replied, handing her a glass of wine and making a silent toast. She drank slowly, watching the guests dancing around and chatting cheerfully. She thought one dance wouldn't hurt, and after finishing her glass, she turned to ask Wesley to the dance floor, but she noticed he was, once again, staring at the slim brunette that was slow dancing with her date across the room.

So she simply put her glass down and straightened up her dress. "I think I'll be heading home," she said. Wesley looked at her and then at his watch. "I know it's still early," she said before he could make that comment. "But it's been a long day for me," she explained.

"I'll give you a ride home then," he offered, setting his glass on the bar.

"No need, really. I'll just take a cab," she told him. "The night's not over for you yet," she said, winking an eye at him. Wesley glanced at Fred, still wrapped around Knox's arms.

"The night ended a long time ago," he whispered, resigned.

"And I just don't believe that," she winked an eye at him before turning around and walking away. She didn't need to look back at him to know that his eyes had set on Fred again.

Faith smirked, knowing she had had a good exit, but that small satisfaction dissolved as she walked to the main door, wondering why she couldn't be the object of such attention.

There were many taxis waiting outside the hotel, but she preferred to walk instead, despite the high heels. Just as she turned round the corner, she couldn't suppress a low, guttural growl of anger. She was angry at herself, for letting the idea of the Valentine's Day date go to her head, for wanting to be Wesley's center of attention, even if it were for a few hours.


Valentine's Day, 2005: First time for everything

"So what are you guys doing tonight?" Buffy asked Faith when the brunette sat down on the couch next to her to read a book.

"Don't know," Faith said. "The Hours is on TV tonight. I haven't seen it yet," she added distractedly as she flipped through the pages.

"Oh come on, Faith!" Buffy exclaimed. "It's Valentine's Day! A candlelight dinner will do you no harm," she suggested.

"Is that today?" she had forgotten about it, but she had a good reason. Wesley hadn't brought up the subject, although she was planning on getting him a card.

"Oh come on. You can't tell me you actually forgot? It's everywhere!" Buffy laughed. The blonde stood up and walked to the cupboard. She took a roll of wrapping paper out of a drawer and then returned to sit next to Faith.

"What's that?" she Faith asked, looking at the paper with red and pink hearts on it.

"It's called a 'present'. As in my present for Angel," Buffy mocked her by speaking very slowly, as if it were hard for Faith to understand.

"Valentine's Day is just an excuse for stores to sell more. Besides, look at that wrapping paper. It's tacky," Faith said. She wasn’t lying. The paper was tacky and Valentine's Day was an excuse to sell more. But she wouldn't have minded to jump the bandwagon if Wesley had shown a bit of interest about the celebration, even if they had only been going for a few months.

Outside the room, Wesley leaned his back against the wall after hearing Faith's comment. He looked at the bouquet of red roses in his hand and banged the back of his head against the wall. For once, he was glad for eavesdropping. He looked at his watch and then took out his cell-phone. He quickly dialed the same number he had been calling daily during the past two weeks.

"Jean-Luc?" he asked. "It's Wesley Wyndham Pryce. Yes," he tried to hide the disappointment in his voice.

"No, I don't want the lilies." He listened in silence.

"No, neither the roses," he whispered.

"In fact, I'm calling to cancel dinner," he said and then remained silent while he heard what Jean-Luc was saying at the other end of the line.

"No, my girlfriend's not up to it. But you can still cash that check," he told the maitre of the French restaurant.

"Yes. Thank you for all your help."


Valentine's Day, 2006: Is this fate?

"That's 45 dollars, please," the cashier smiled at Faith, who opened her eyes wide in surprise. Forty-five dollars for a card and a box of Earl Grey tea? Sure, it wasn't a regular card and it wasn't a regular box of tea, but 45 dollars? Sighing, Faith smiled back and took a 50 dollar bill out of her purse. It was worth it. They had planned a quiet dinner at home. It’d be theirs first proper Valentine’s Day celebration and they had gone overboard with all the traditional elements: they had candles, soft music and champagne. Cheesy? Yes. But since they had tried pretty much everything known to human race over the past year, they could live with that. She made a mental note to pick up the strawberries on the way, before going home to help out Wes.

When she arrived, he was way ahead of her. Dinner was already in the oven and he was in the shower. She went upstairs to get dressed for the occasion and picked up the red, silky dress she had gotten two weeks before. She applied the make up and perfume and then headed towards the bathroom. Knocking on the door and resisting the urge to assault Wesley in the shower, she let him know she'd be waiting for him downstairs.

After the table was set and the candles had been lit, she laid the presents on the coffee table and sat back on the couch while she waited for Wesley to come join her.

She didn't have to wait long. After a few minutes, he came downstairs wearing a dark suit that accented his eyes. He saw her sprawled on the couch, wearing a beautiful long dress and raised an eyebrow appreciatively.

"Feminine?" she asked teasingly.

"Very," he laughed, remembering the past incident that at the present was only an anecdote.

“Not bad yourself,” she whispered with her throaty voice, luring him to come sit next to her with her index finger, but unable to contain the laughter at such ridiculous gesture.

“I got you a present,” she beamed at him. “And a card,” she said, handing them out to him.

Wesley took the package and opened the card first, giggling softly as he read on. “Aren’t you the one who said this is nothing but a commercial day?” he asked, trying to act confused but failing miserably.

“Yes, but I am also the one who said that eavesdropping is bad. Very bad,” she replied with amusement. A hint of naughtiness also framed the last words and Wesley picked it up in a heartbeat. He bent over her and kissed her, pressing his body against her and pushing her further into the couch. Her hands furiously ran through his hair and neck, holding him close to her.

“Mmmm, Wes,” Faith moaned as his hands caressed the sides of her body. “Stop,” she panted, much against her will. Wesley kissed her deeply again before holding back and helping her to sit up straight.

“You have to open your present,” she said, pointing at the box.

“I was trying to,” Wes winked an eye at her. “That perfect present, wrapped in red silk,” he said smoothly, causing Faith to launch herself at him, deciding that the presents could wait. It was her time to push him against the back of the couch as she pulled up her dress enough to allow herself to straddle his hips. Their mouths met once again as she rubbed her body against his.

“God, Faith,” Wes moaned. “Burn…” he muttered before he was silenced again but Faith’s lips.

“Yeah, baby, we’re gonna burn,” she whispered in his hear as her fingers tried to undo the buttons of his shirt, but Wesley stopped her, pushing her away softly.

“The food is burning!” he said and ran to the kitchen as fast as he could, which wasn’t very fast giving the stirring erection Faith was to blame for.

The brunette remained in the couch a few seconds. Taking a deep breath she straightened out her dress and followed Wes to the kitchen.

“One more minute and it’d have been fatal,” he said, showing her the tray he had taken off the oven. “Ready to have dinner,” he asked.

“Sure,” she replied cheerfully as she poured wine in the glasses. “It smells terrific,” Faith complimented him with a soft kiss.

“Thanks,” Wesley returned the kiss, and for the third time that evening they seemed to forget their goal of having a romantic celebration. “We shouldn’t let it get cold,” Wes said, trying to concentrate in the food.

“Baby, that’s impossible,” Faith murmured, trying to claim back his lips. Wesley was about to surrender when both their beepers set off.

“Please no,” Faith begged, talking to the small device. Wesley looked at his beeper as well.

“It’s Angel,” he said, picking up the phone to call the vampire. Faith sat down, hoping it’d be a false alarm, but she could tell by the look on Wesley’s face that Valentine’s Day was over for them. Wesley growled after hanging up. “I guess this is not our day.”


Valentine's Day, 2007: Third Time's a Winner

The fireplace of wooden cabin shifted from gold to orange, surrounding them with warmth. Outside, the snow was descending gently over the dark green forest. It was like a postcard, but it couldn't feel more real. Faith smiled as she handed Wesley a cup of hot tea. It was the perfect way to spend Valentine's Day.

"It looks like we made it," she said cheerfully as she sat next to him on the couch. She unfolded a blanket and covered themselves with it before resting her head on Wesley's shoulder.

"Yes, it does," Wesley laughed softly. "Despite your initial comments, of course," he added before taking a sip of tea.

"Well, this does look like a place where you can shoot a lame movie about a bunch of teens lost in the woods," she explained, remembering the first thing she said to him when they arrived, earlier that day. "With the lights and fire on, it's a totally different scenario," she said. "I admit it, I thought this was going to be another Valentine's Day to add to our list of failed attempts at spending the day together," she added, putting down her mug on the coffee table and turning back to get Wesley's.

"I'm not done," he protested, but the look on Faith's face made him give up the hot beverage. As soon as she placed his cup next to hers, she felt his arms around her waist, holding her tightly against him. He pressed his lips against the side of her neck, planting soft and firm kisses on her skin.

Faith tilted her head to the opposite side, allowing him more room to work on. She shifted to her side to wrap her arms around Wesley's shoulders while he still kept her in his arms and licked the line of her jaw.

"We definitely made it this time," she whispered against his ear.